Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Building the Drones

Last night we finally got our Drones completed. We bought a knock-off version of Mastermind called 'Brain Master' which contained 19 of 4 different coloured pieces.

Unfortunately, these caps had little pegs protruding from the base which rendered them fairly useless for our purpose. I gathered my tools and set about removing the pegs. An initial attack with a small saw made very little headway actually cutting through the peg, and did a fair amount of damage to the lovely goose tray I was using as my lap workbench. A new approach was required.

The wire cutter was a much better tool for the job. It cut through the peg quickly and cleanly and with a minute amount of effort. Brilliant! This would be done in no time. Alas, this was not the case, as an unforseen issue now arose.

The wire cutter was too thick, and the clipped peg still did not sit flush with the base of the drone. This was fairly useless, as the drones were unbalanced and fell over regularly of their own accord. Clearly, a solution was needed. After a bit of tinkering, I came up with a rough fix: coarse sandpaper!

While this was by no means the ideal solution to the problem, it did at least make the drones stand upright. If I'd had a finer sandpaper I would have tidied them up a bit, as the result of the coarse paper was ugly and quite unprofessionally finished. However, at 1:30am the night before the first real external playtest, I wasn't in perfectionist mode. They stood, and that was good enough for me.

An hour and 75 drones later, our board pieces were complete. My fingers rubbed raw and my patience entirely shot, I laid out the proud drone armies for their inaugural group shot.

Then I went to bed.

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